
Concept Explanation


Spraying: Pesticides can be sprayed in the storage structure before storing food grain. This kills the pests before the arrival of stocks and also eliminates chances of contamination of food grain with pesticides.

Pesticides help farmers to produce more with less land, by increasing crop productivity by between 20 and 50 percent. In addition, pesticides allow farmers to maximize the benefits of other valuable agricultural tools, such as high quality seeds, fertilizers and water resources. Pesticides are therefore an indispensable tool for the sustainable production of high quality food and fibers.

Pesticides help keep food affordable. Farmers grow more food on the same land with the help of pesticides. Studies have shown that growers of organic vegetables spend significantly more on hand weeding compared to growers who use herbicides. This explains why organic food is more expensive than conventionally grown food.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Pesticides help keep food affordable. Farmers grow more food on the same land with the help of pesticides.

(b) Pesticides help conserve the environment.They enable farmers to produce more crops per unit area with less tillage, thus reducing deforestation, conserving natural resources and curbing soil erosion.

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

How pesticides are helpful to us ?

Right Option : D
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Pesticides used in stored products can prolong the viable life of the produce, prevent huge post-harvest losses from pests and diseases and protect the grain so it is safe to eat.

(b) Pesticides help reduce waterborne and insect transmitted diseases. Such as malaria, Lyme disease and West Nile virus.

(c) Pesticides are also critical for the control of invasive species and noxious weeds.

Right Option : D
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